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Apr 29, 2020

The future is now! In year 2 of 3BG this movie was reviewed by just Dee and Cj. This goes around all 3 of the geeks who are here for this timely tale. Demolition Man is happening now man! Actually...chill. But good god is this movie fucking cool. We talk about Stallone, wypipo, Simon Phoenix equals Black Joker,...

Apr 23, 2020

An episode I wanted to do for years, in fact I wanted to do this since year 2 of 3BG. Now is the best time. It's time for Dee to introduce to the world to Knights of Ramune. In this 6 episode OVA I hope give you all the understanding that this maybe Top 5 dead or alive worst anime ever dubbed. So who ready?

Apr 22, 2020

It is an absolute honor not only to cover Mobile Suit Gundam but the Gundam series as a whole. This groundbreaking anime made the blueprint of what makes anime great. But did I mention how incredible this story is? How amazing for 1978 the action was incredible for cartoons at the time. How the tunes are classic....

Apr 17, 2020

Another casualty of the Rona has hit the sports world again and this time its the XFL. Its unfortunate this happened considering how well the sport was doing. The guys talk about the demise again of the sport and then dive into an underrated comedy Happy Gilmore.



Apr 14, 2020

With the odds against them, the world shutting down and wrestlers were dropping out. Somehow, someway WWE put one hell of a good show. Lemme take you down the card and what worked.