Jan 3, 2024
On this special episode of Working Title Sports Show, 3BG is reviewing a movie we did before. Except for this time with better mics and with (snob snort) AAFCA-approved critics! We talk about the movie the NFL ignores but is an essential sports movie. Any Given Sunday by Oliver Stone pulls back the curtain and shows...
Oct 30, 2023
This year we celebrate the 2023 World Series with a movie about an obsessed baseball fan. Robert DeNiro plays a loser whose baseball peak was in THE F****** 6TH GRADE! Wesley Snipes plays Bobby Rayburn, a mix between Barry Bonds, Bobby Bonilla, Deion Sanders, and Wille Mays Hayes. It's a movie filled with talent...
Mar 2, 2023
After Drago beat the CTE into Rocky, he decided to retire. But then Life metaphorically beat the CTE into Rocky's finances too. Rocky is rebuilding himself, teaching a new boxer, and watching his son slowly become a Philly scumbag. This movie is unhinged.
Apr 17, 2020
Another casualty of the Rona has hit the sports world again and this time its the XFL. Its unfortunate this happened considering how well the sport was doing. The guys talk about the demise again of the sport and then dive into an underrated comedy Happy Gilmore.
Site: www.3blackgeeks.com
Feb 12, 2020
NBA All-Star weekend is upon us and the guys go over the lineup of activities and then get into a 90's black classic, Above The Rim. Enjoy!
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