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Jan 30, 2018

We recap the Royal Rumble PPV, sure they hottakes. But our hot takes are better than yours! 

Jan 29, 2018

FEEL THE RHYTHM! FEEL THE RHYME! GET ON UP! ITS BOBSLED TIME! Not only do we talk about one of the most feel-good sports movies of the 90s, but we also talk about sports movies in general. 

Jan 27, 2018

The Super Bowl is now set, Eagles vs. Patriots. Elsewhere Vince McMahon is back with the XFL. The NBA All-Star game will be Lebron vs. Steph. And we talk some college basketball.

Jan 23, 2018

Post-Porduction hell can happen to any movie. Whether it's rewrites, a distribution problem or the producers aren't happy with the project, there are plenty of things that can hold up a movie. Usually, this is the death nail but sometimes it's still worth the watch. Just to to see why or in this case, who did it!? 

Jan 20, 2018

We talk about the anomaly called the Las Vegas Golden Knights, some NCAA basketball and of course the NFL Playoffs.