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May 30, 2019

3BG had themselves a fun time at the movies watching Octavia Spencer act batshit crazy. The movie Ma is one of those fun movies to unplug and just enjoy the wackiness of it all. 

3BG Rating- 7 out of 10

May 28, 2019

The opening years of the 00's gave us a unique time for Jet Li. He was an international star, Nu Metal was this shit, Wire-Fu was cool and Bullet time was the only time. So 3BG and our boy Duke will talk about Jet Li, Bullet time, cool moments, Nu Metal music and how Yu Law was nobodies bitch! I WILL BE THE ONE!

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May 24, 2019

With Disney going full tilt into doing live action retellings of the older animated films, Aladdin comes to us offering a surprisingly good retelling of the og cartoon with some good changes for some of the characters. Will Smith manages to do a solid job as the Genie as well. Well worth the watch.

3BG rating: 8 out of 10

May 24, 2019

Ever seen a movie that had a good premise but ultimately botches that premise by doing not a damn thing with it? Well thats Brightburn in a nutshell. A movie that has the makings of something great but does nothing with it.

3BG rating: 3 out of 10

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May 23, 2019

2014 Godzilla did a lot right but left a lot to be desired. This go round, they got everything right. From the pacing, to the direction/cinematography, to monsters and Godzilla. It's a US Godzilla that feels like a Toho film. Go to the theaters watch this one!

3BG Rating- 9 out of 10

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