Jun 26, 2023
It's the 90's and black folk got money and they trying to have sex. Like, a lot of sex. But there needs to be more than that right. This is a classic black movie with a classic movie love story with a lot of laughs. The podcast isn't that bad either.
Jul 20, 2020
We recorded this in September of 2019. Those were the days. Anyway we talked about this negro classic that's not considered a classic but is. We talk about the good, the bad and the ugly animation. We also talk about Robin Harris, Reggie Hudlin and other things.
Twitter: @3blackgeeks @cjwizgeek...
Jan 22, 2015
Damon Wayans had a run, and it was called the 90's. From being a straight man in comedies, to silliness one in the movie, to being in action roles. Mo' Money, combines the 3 and starred Damon in the lead role. This gives us an action comedy we...kind of remember. 9
Jan 11, 2015
This is a bad movie in every way. Full of predictable movie tropes, no likeable characters, and invoking everything that is the 90's from the women to the cameo from Coolio. Yeah we break down this movie so you the viewer don't have to watch it.